UI Basics Technical Essay WOD1-WOD3.
I didn’t have a single clue where to begin for browser history 1 WOD. I attempted to start it on my own however I didn’t get very far and spent way too much time trying to figure it out. I then went on to watch the screencast solution and went through it step by step. I realized however that watching the screen cast was not very useful and went back through it and took notes. I also realized that having the pages that were needed to be copied already and available saved a lot of time. I learned a lot about HTML and how to add links to my web page. I finished in about 28 minutes the first two times and then after taking notes I finished in 16 minutes then finally in 15 minutes.
My advice would be to not just watch the screencast solution first and copy the code because you will not learn very much. I would suggest taking notes while watching the screen cast solution as it will help you a lot more than just trying to copy the code.
I wasn’t able to figure out where to start for browser history 2 and spent way too much time trying to figure out what to do. I went on and watched the screencast solution and took very thorough notes. I also kept my google font reading resource open for references and also to copy the link to add my Oswald font to my web page. It took me 5 attempts to complete the Browser history 6 WOD. I finally was able to finish my last attempt in 7 minutes. I learned how to add google fonts to my webpage.
My advice would be to not watch the screen cast first and try to copy the code. This will waste a lot of time and learn nothing. Instead I would take very good notes that can be used for reference when trying to complete your WOD.
I wasn’t able to figure out where to start for browser history 3 and spent a lot of time trying to figure out where to begin. I then proceeded to watch the screencast solution and take extremely thorough notes to help me later on. I had my instructions opened up next to me so it was easy to read and access the necessary material. It took me 5 tries but I eventually was able to finish in under 14 minutes. I learned a lot about how to style a css sheet.
My advice would be to not just watch the screen cast and try to copy the code on your computer. This will waste a lot of time and you will learn absolutely nothing. Instead I would take very good notes that can be used for reference when trying to complete your WOD.
In this WOD we ended up splitting the page with three columns into four separate web pages. We created an intro page that had buttons that linked to three other pages that talked about the history of the internet explorer, chrome and firefox browsers. Here is the link if you want to check it out. What worked well for me in this Wod was being able to copy and drag code where I wanted it as it saves you a lot of time. I struggled with copying the image url and inputting it in the code. To prepare for this WOD I started by trying this WOD on my own then watching the screen cast and taking very thorough notes. What I could have done better to prepare for this WOD would have been to break down the notes for each individual section and highlight what is more important than other parts.
In this WOD we used variables to eliminate hardcoding the given information to display the products. We also separated the product data from the rest of the code to make it easier to read and change. Here is a line if you want to check it out. What worked well for me in this WOD is being able to copy and drag code where I wanted it as it saves you a lot of time. I struggled with replacing code using the find regex tool. To prepare for this WOD I started by trying this WOD on my own then watching the screen cast and taking very thorough notes. What I could have done better to prepare for this WOD would have been to break down the notes for each individual section and highlight what is more important than other parts.
In this WOD we created a sales receipt and for 5 different items without using hard coded information and instead used expressions and variables. Here is a link if you would like to check it out. What worked well for me in this WOD is being able to copy and drag code from the WOD instructions where I wanted it as it saves you a lot of time. I had trouble making my table that included my items and its quantity, prices, tax and grand total. To prepare for this WOD I started by trying this WOD on my own then watching the screen cast and taking very thorough notes. What I could have done better to prepare for this WOD would have been to break down the notes for each individual section and highlight what is more important than other parts.