I agree that my programming skills have improved greatly in the following ways. I have tried to improve how to organize my code in a way that makes it easier to read. I have tried my best to make a habit to make comments on my code so that it is easier to go back and find what needs to be changed. I try to complete the tasks using the least amount of code possible as to keep it easier to manage as well as easier for others to read and understand. I have also found that using the console on the browser can be very helpful to find what errors are causing issues when loading my page.
I agree that I need to work on improving on certain aspects of my programming skills. I need to improve my organization of my code as it is getting better but still needs improvement. I need to improve my habit of making comments whenever I start a new line of code. I have also improved trying to reduce unnecessary long amounts of code to make it easier for others to read. I need to improve my use of the debugger on vs code as it can be very confusing sometimes to operate and find the coding problems.
I agree that I have learned a lot from doing the WODs. I can do most of the WODs without copying the screencast. However it can take me up to seven or eight attempts to figure it out. The trick with WODs I’ve realized is to not freak out when something isn’t working and rather keep going and usually you can figure out what’s wrong later. I find WODs to be very useful as in the real world you will not have all the time in the world to complete your code and this puts you to the test. I also enjoy the challenge of the WODs as they test your knowledge and skill in programming.
I agree the labs have helped me learn and I am able to complete them with confidence. I however must say that these labs can be very time consuming as they require lots of screenshots of code in the terminal console, on VS code and also inside the browser console. I do enjoy the on your own section of the labs as it can be very challenging and tests my knowledge and coding skills. I’ve also found that if you don’t do the readings you can have a lot of trouble understanding the lab material.
I agree that I have learned a lot from my experience doing Assignment 1 and feel ready to work on Assignment 2. However I must say assignment 1 took me longer than I expected. It was by far the hardest thing we had to do in this class to date. I also realized that the way I designed my server would work for my Individual requirement 3 and I had to go back and redesign it so that it wouldn’t reload my page and instead notify the user what their error was and make the quantity selected textbox border red.
I agree that this class can be improved to help my learning by taking more time in class to go through the labs. I feel like this helps me get a better understanding of the material we read about before class. I also feel like it has helped me with Assignment 1 as we have been taking more time to go through server side processing using node.js and file I/O. I also think the class could be improved if we did group coding projects as in the business world you will need to be able to build programs together.
What helped me the most in this class was the screencast and the quizzes. I found the screencasts to be very helpful as they would help me get a better understanding of what was to be expected of what was going to be covered in class. I also found the quizzes to be very helpful as they challenged me in a way that made it so I could keep trying since there are unlimited attempts without my grade taking any penalties.